Brake failure is a problem that doesn't occur nearly as often as it once did. However, it can still happen and cause you to run into somebody else and suffer from serious collision damage. When it does, you need to take steps to prove this problem as a way of ensuring your collision repairs are covered.

Total Brake Failure Is Rare

The great thing about modern vehicles is that the new dual-circuit brake system installed in most make it nearly impossible for brakes to go out. As a result, most people will never have to worry about this problem the way that their parents and grandparents did in the past. However, that doesn't mean that total brake failure isn't a possibility.

When brakes go out in your vehicle there is a strong chance that serious damage will occur before you stop. That's because brakes have a bad tendency to go out suddenly and to allow a heavy amount of serious collision damage to occur on your auto body.

Why Total Brake Failure Can Still Occur

Even with the protection of dual-circuit brakes keeping your chances of total brake failure low, it can still happen. For example, air pressure problems could drain your brake lines suddenly and make it impossible for you to stop. In some instances, the ABS modulator may cause the pressure to drain from your brakes even further.

These failures can suddenly strike your brakes and make it impossible for your vehicle to fully stop. This problem can cause you to run into another car or a building and suffer from severe collision damage. When trying to pay for these repairs, you may end up finding that your insurance company is fighting against your claims of brake failure.

Proving This Problem Can Be Difficult

If your car suffered from a lot of body damage after a collision caused by brake failure, you are in a tough spot. Proving that brake failure caused this crash can be difficult. As a result, it may be hard to get your insurance company to pay for your repairs. Even worse, it can make a lawsuit against the manufacturer even more difficult.

The best way to prove this is to have a professional look at your brakes immediately after the crash. You should do this even before you have them fix the body. If you get the body and the brakes fixed up before the cause of your crash is determined, you may end up suffering from serious financial difficulties associated with repairing your car.

So don't hesitate to talk to a collision expert after your crash. They can help to provide you with the insight you need to get your car repaired. Even better, they can help manage any manufacturing defects that led to your crash. This can provide you with the help you need to recover more effectively.
